Your Cloud automated, self-service and secure by default.
With the Opsly platform you can self-service, build and automate your Cloud solutions in less than a week.
Your Cloud Support Expert is with you at every step.
We connect your Cloud stack and ship templates to you
From day 1, we run a workshop with you to identify which Cloud services and architectures need to be implemented for your business and applications.
After the initial review, in 2-3 days we create the entire solution as Cloud templates and upload these for you onto the Opsly platform.
We support you each month with any new Cloud architecture and setup you need.
The Cloud templates are well-architected and cost-optimised.
Your development team can modify the values of the Cloud services in the templates based on their application specifications.
When they’re ready, they can Deploy the template into the Cloud and Opsly will automatically code generate Terraform infrastructure-as-code and automate, manage and monitor all of the infrastructure.
If you would like to generate an architecture diagram from your existing infrastructure-as-code or Cloud, you can deploy it in a development environment and Opsly will generate it into Cloud architecture diagrams.
You can share it with your team members, collaboratively review, visually insert infrastructure changes, add comments and approve the configuration/architecture before deploying it into staging and production.
Cloud Provider support doesn’t help you architect or build your Cloud solutions as they are only used for guidance and strategy.
Opsly helps you from Day 1 to identify all of the Cloud infrastructure for your business and applications requirements.
In 2-3 days we create you well-architected and cost-optimised Cloud templates. You can update the configuration to match your application/infra requirements and Deploy it directly into your Cloud environments.
We’ll support you every month to ensure your Cloud is always setup as required.
Your development teams can update the templates when application and infrastructure requirements evolve and need to change.
Terraform is automatically generated after each update and the Terraform code can be exported if needed to integrate in your Git and CI/CD pipeline.
The Opsly Inventory allows you to search through all your Cloud resources across all Clouds and accounts and monitor if everything is deployed and working as expected.
Starting off, you might already have existing infrastructure in your Cloud. You can import all your Cloud resources and it will convert into Cloud templates managed by Terraform code.
For every change you make in your Opsly project, Opsly creates a new version where you see can see the history and you can rollback to any of its previous changes.
For every new infrastructure change, your team and management should be aware of any cost and infrastructure changes going to be affected.
Opsly can import from your development environments with your latest infrastructure changes and generate visualised architecture diagrams.
Collaborate with your internal teams, visually insert new infrastructure requirements, add comments and approve changes before deploying to higher environments (i.e staging and production).
Request a demo with our team today to start using Opsly for free.
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